Coming Soon

The Rude Mechanicals Presents

This 1980s edition of The Rude Mechanicals comedy of manners features The School for Scandal morning TV show to catch up on the day’s gossip and never let the truth get in the way of a good story. You don’t know who today’s featured subject will be, so tune in live at the Greenbelt Arts Center to find out!

8PM Fri & Sat Aug 23, 24, 30, 31, Sep 6, 7
2PM Sun Matinees Aug 25 (masked), Sep 1

Pay What You Will 8PM Wed Aug 28: $5, $10, $25, $50, Other

Our Monthly Board Meetings

The Greenbelt Arts Center, a small black box theater, welcomes members to attend our board meetings. Those wishing to comment at a board meeting should be there by the start of the meeting.  Meetings are the second Wednesday of a month at 7:30 PM at 123 Centerway, Greenbelt, MD. To join Greenbelt Arts Center, click here.

The submission period for the Greenbelt Arts Center’s 2024-2025 season is now closed. Thank you to all who submitted! If you have questions — or other ideas about projects and partnerships with GAC — please contact our VP Programs  and consider volunteering at GAC. Thanks again!

Volunteer Opportunities!

Volunteer Crowd Managers Needed:

Greenbelt Arts Center (GAC) needs volunteer crowd managers. A crowd manager (CM) is an usher trained in crowd management through the Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office (MSFMO). The CM welcomes patrons, manages any issues in the lobby prior to showtime, seats people with special needs and latecomers, and greets patrons at the theater door and checks their tickets. They then stay until the audience leaves. Throughout their 2-3 hour shift, they are responsible for making sure egress is not blocked, escorting people to safety in an emergency, and basic monitoring of the crowd. For the most part, they can watch the performance while keeping an eye out in the periphery for emergencies.

Good candidates should be good with managing diverse people, are at least 18 years old, and available for 2-3 performances a month. A typical show is 9 performances over 3 weekends. Both initial and ongoing training is provided. A background check is required by the City of Greenbelt because the volunteers work with children.

Please fill out the Contact Form found here, and our Box Office Manager will reach out to you.


As the Greenbelt Arts Center has resumed in-person programming and local mask mandates have been dropped, we are now allowing patrons to be unmasked in the facility. Exceptions to this rule include our masked Sunday matinees (determined by each production) and any conditions set by those using the space for private rehearsals or events.

Click here to read our full current COVID-19 Policy.