Twelfth Night


What You Will

by William Shakespeare

Directed by Tiffany M. Waters

The Rude Mechanicals in residence at Greenbelt Arts Center present:

Twelfth Night: Or What You Will

All performances are free. We are asking a suggested donation of $10 to help support our continuing efforts to provide theater to Greenbelt and the larger community; please click on Donate and select “Support Online Shows.”

Log in to a world where comedy and tragedy wear twin pajama pants. Where love, loss, and friendship must evolve in isolation and be filtered through your screen. Where duels are settled with game controllers, not swords, and Alexa plays “the food of love” on command. This is the new world, and in this world, you can be whoever you want (as long as you’re at home). This is I.L.L.Y.R.I.A.