GAC’s Phase I Reopening Plan


Purpose of this Policy:

To define the circumstances under which an artistic production could be produced in the GAC space during ongoing concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic.  The primary goals of this policy are to define expectations of volunteers, production teams, and the patrons of GAC.

Medical Information:

We only record the attestation that a person is vaccinated.  We trust our theatre teams, we do not demand additional proof beyond their word of their vaccination status.  We will use this information only for GAC’s internal purposes.

Non-participation Statement:

We regret that those who are ineligible for vaccination cannot participate in GAC productions at the present time and hope that future circumstances will make it possible for everyone to participate safely.

Board Policy Review:

GAC will review this policy monthly and reserves the right to change the policy..

Personal Responsibilities (All people in the facility at any time):

Regardless of your role, if you are uncomfortable with the behavior of others with respect to COVID19 policy or do not feel safe, report your concern immediately to the producer, General Manager, or any GAC Organization authority figure available to you – do not wait.  All authority figures must use their best judgment and understanding of the situation to take corrective action to ensure the safety of their team and, as soon as possible to do so, report the concern back to the VP of Administration and VP of Programs.

While the Facility is Closed to the Public

Production Team (Creative, Cast, Crew) or Volunteer Team (i.e. a facility work event) Responsibilities When the Facility is Closed to the Public

  • For activities with a producer, the producer will orchestrate access to the building for their activities. They will collect a vaccination attestation form from all members of the team.  This is a requirement for participation in any in-person events in the theatre, to include auditions, rehearsals, set builds, etc.
  • All volunteers that will be in the building must submit a completed vaccination attestation and liability waiver before entering.  GAC keeps these documents only for the purposes of safety and welfare of GAC’s volunteers and patrons. (See end of this page)
  • Anyone who prefers to wear a mask or similar countermeasures is welcome to do so, but that does not change GAC’s vaccination requirement for participation..
  • Only those who are essential to the work being done are allowed to enter.

While the facility is open to the public

(1 hour before performances, during performances, during auditions, and until the last audience member exits the building after a performance).

Employees/Non-Performing Volunteers/Audience Responsibilities

  1. Paper or cloth masks must be worn while in all public areas of the building (i.e. anywhere but the closed dressing and green rooms).  If the facility is open, you must wear a mask even if you have been vaccinated against COVID-19.
  2. GAC will not provide concessions during performances and patrons are encouraged to go outside if they need a snack or beverage.  The audience is encouraged to exit the building after a performance, rather than congregating in the lobby.
  3. Cover mouth and nose with tissue when coughing or sneezing or use crook of elbow or sleeve, even when wearing a mask.

Performing Volunteers

  1. Performers are the only members of the team who will be allowed to be without a mask while on stage or in a private area of the facility (i.e. dressing room or green room).

GAC Board responsibilities:

  1. The GAC Board reserves the right to cancel/reschedule events in the facility to protect the safety of volunteers and employees
  2. The GAC BOD will adjudicate COVID-19 policies and has the right to interpret/change COVID-19 policies for the safety of all involved.
  3. All Producers will be asked by the GAC BOD if there are any obstacles to following the protocols above BEFORE the acceptance of their program.  Any deviations from this policy needed should be cleared in advance with the VP of Programs AND the VP of Admin.

To view and submit the Greenbelt Arts Center vaccination Attestation Form, please click here to download a printable .pdf